Titanium and its alloys 2017

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Deadline for payment: 29.06.2017
After that date
unpaid registration will be canceled.

30 June 2017: Deadline for submission of articles

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the
Rector of Lublin University of Technology, prof. Piotr Kacejko, Polish Society for Materials, Committee of Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences and SIMP Association, I would like to kindly invite you to join our 13th Conference on 'Titanium and its alloys', that will be held in Janów Podlaski 24-27 September 2017. The conference will take place in the Zamek Biskupi Hotel, in the heart of Landscape Park 'Podlaski Przełom Bugu'.

The Conference
has been a major event for the 'titanium' science community in Poland. Our meeting allows to discuss current issues in the field of titanium based materials and gives a chance for exchanging knowledge and networking in a unique atmosphere.

The Conference sessions will include topics like, e.g. forming, structure and microstructure of titanium materials
, their physical, chemical, mechanical properties, surface engineering, new technologies of titanium production and processing and their applications in medicine, chemical, aerospace, construction and marine industries.

This Conference offers also unforgettable social events.

We look forward to seeing you in
Janów Podlaski in September 2017!

Kindest regards,

Prof. Barbara Surowska
Conference Chair


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