Conference Venue - Titanium and its alloys 2017

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Conference Venue

The 13th Conference on 'Titanium and its alloys' will be held in:
Hotel 'Bishops' Castle'
No. 1 Zamkowa Street,
21-505 Janów Podlaski
(GPS coordinates: N52° 12' 0.084" E23° 12' 3.0129")

Janów Podlaski in the days of his magnificence stood on a joint of the civilization of the west and the east, a melting pot of cultures and an example of harmonious coexisting of many traditions and the religion constituted. The perfect location contributed both to his great bloom, and for his falls. Thriving in the 16th century city was excellent prey for next persecutors, and stormy fates of Poland impressed their brand on it.

The settlement beautifully located on a hill, in the valley of the River Bug, on the protected areas of the Park Landscape Podlaski Breakthrough Bug, attracts enthusiasts of history, horse lovers, amateurs of beautiful countryside, charming places and picturesquely situated village. There is still living folk tradition, numerous monuments bear witness to the turbulent and interesting history of the region and the beauty of nature gives respite and rest.

Here horsebreeders are going down from the entire world, to one of the most famous studs of Arabian horse located less than 2 km from premises of the hotel.

Janow Podlaski is a place where history combines with modernity.

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